What shipping company does XO Games use?

We ship all goods through Aramex, SMSA, Zajil, Naqel and DHL

Where do we ship to?

We ship to all the countries mentioned, namely: Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Britain, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, America

If your country is not listed, please contact us at xogamesorders@gmail.com to request its addition to our shipping destinations.

Shipping term?

For Customers in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Delivery will be completed within 1 to 2 hours for orders placed during working hours. Orders placed outside working hours will be processed at the next opening time.

For Customers in the Gulf Countries

Processing products takes from 24 Hours, and delivery takes from 2 to 5 working days, but with some rare circumstances, shipping may take more than 10 to 20 working days in the event of any delay due to lack of information or clearance of the shipment in your country.
When choosing express shipping, we will process the order on the same day, and delivery takes from 2 to 7 working days. In Bahrain, the order is shipped on the same day if it is ordered before 11 noon every day, knowing that on Friday there is no delivery and it will be delivered the next day.
If you choose express delivery in Bahrain, your order will be sent out within 1 to 8 hours after you confirm your order.

How is the amount calculated?

Calculating shipping fees dynamically based on weight and size.

How can you track the shipment or communicate with the shipping company?

You can track the shipment through these links